Blade school??????

Just wondering if anyone else is having trouble buying from blade school.every time it goes into shopping cart it just goes blank..

any help would be helpful
sorry for the nubish question.


Hi i order my razor pro from them, it was little cheaper then retail not much

& also the way u have order is yeah hard, as blade school website they have call u back by phone to confirm your order & postage fees they have charge, also they have limited ways of accepting my pament as i dont have a credet card nor do must young scooter riders

i since found a Local company near me which i can pick up from& save on postage as they are in my town

there also on ebay this is where i found them & yeah prices are cheapest in Australia, Possibly the world

also the range products this ebay seller had is alsum, here link

Scooter's Only Australia

I ordered the Juice Matter F1 100MM models id have say hey they are like wheel from hell the speed is so so fast its scary when first get riding on them

so far pritty strong, but yeah so so smooth no loud sounds when riding & yeah there grippyas, more then agrent orange or soft yak models

im very happy with them, had order another set for my younger brother
blade school is super gnar.... i bought my first pro model off em... and my fork snaped... so they replaced it for me :D .... i also bought 3 wheels of em.. 2 including metal cores...