( BONER) flip combos,how long did it take you... (BONER)


its boner..btw

i learned backflips 7-16-07 at incline club.2nd try.

i learned backflip no hander's about 2 minutes after my first backflip.2nd try.

i learned backflip whips 1 month later at woody.

i learned flairs today and i think i got mine like 8th try

how long did it take you to learn your flip combos?
he doesent have a spine around him otherwise he probaly would haha and i owe you ten dollars so when do you want it

backflips sometime in july last year
backflip tucks like twomonths later
backflip over a hip a few days after the flip tuck
backflip tailwhips in november
backflip double whips like 3 weeks after flip whips
backflip turndowns same day as flip whips
then i started trying flairs in december try them and still trying them so thats 7 months of trying flairs

frontflips mid november a day after fell hard stopped doing them
landed another one the day before tic comp
amonth later i did a frontflip tire grab
then i did a frontflip turndown
then when bonner and i were riding tic i did better frontflip tucks
and ive tryed a frontflip dropin

brandon kilbury

Super Moderator
backflip at rutland skatepark like 3 summers ago
flip whip at talent like a year and a half later
flip double whip like 2 weeks after flipwhips
flip turndown and table at rye like a month after that

frontflip at talent last spring? i think
frontflip front wheel grab at rye this april

yea im not great at flip combos


Tommy Napolitan said:
yes please john dont, i dont feel like sitting here reading a 500 trick combo list lmao
lol but that is exactly wat it would be hahahahaha