
Ben Moak

Steel Member
Trust me they are not all like this. There are alot of preconceived notions that all boyscouts are like this and its just not true. My brother went all the way from tigers in cub scouts to getting his eagle scout which does entail a hell of a lot of work that teaches alot of good shit you wouldnt normally learn in life, hes got to do alot more then regular people so in all honesty i kind of wish i had kept with it and gotten mine too. anyway what im saying is not all of them are as rascist and homophobic and what not as everyone thinks, the majority of them arent, its just the ones that are ruin it for everyone else.


Staff member
HAHA Sig it, it's comical.

Being a bigoted cock is what 'murrka is all about!

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
Are you gay?

no, im atheist. they are also bigoted against atheists. even if they didnt mention atheists id still stand up for homosexuals because they're humans as well and dont deserve the shit they get. why would you even ask? does standing up for gay people make you gay?

J dub

Bronze member
no, im atheist. they are also bigoted against atheists. even if they didnt mention atheists id still stand up for homosexuals because they're humans as well and dont deserve the shit they get. why would you even ask? does standing up for gay people make you gay?

It probably has a semi-christian background. Christians believe being homeosexual is a sin (and OBVIOUSLY being atheist too). So they don't want to mix that into their system. They are not persecuting, they're simply not accepting. They're a private organization, you don't have to join if you don't want to. So why is it even an issue?

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
It probably has a semi-christian background. Christians believe being homeosexual is a sin (and OBVIOUSLY being atheist too). So they don't want to mix that into their system. They are not persecuting, they're simply not accepting. They're a private organization, you don't have to join if you don't want to. So why is it even an issue?

because no matter what way you put it, no matter how legal it is to do it, it's still discrimination. discrimination is bad. it is a moral issue.
also, if there are little kids who doubt religion in the boy scouts and their parents wont let them leave, it can be really damaging to hear all of the religious dogma they preach. like that one about if you dont believe in god you're going to hell, thats scary for little kids. it scared the shit out of me until i was 11. its mental abuse.

discrimination is discrimination, just because it's religiously based discrimination doesnt mean we should give it a free pass.

J dub

Bronze member
because no matter what way you put it, no matter how legal it is to do it, it's still discrimination. discrimination is bad. it is a moral issue.
also, if there are little kids who doubt religion in the boy scouts and their parents wont let them leave, it can be really damaging to hear all of the religious dogma they preach. like that one about if you dont believe in god you're going to hell, thats scary for little kids. it scared the shit out of me until i was 11. its mental abuse.

discrimination is discrimination, just because it's religiously based discrimination doesnt mean we should give it a free pass.

Time to put your big boy pants on and understand discrimination is going to happen everywhere in life. You'll find if you get your face tatted, you'll have a hard time making much more than minimum wage. Gauge your ears you probably won't get a job at the bank. If you're white you probably won't get any of the millions of "african american" grant money for college. If you use street slang heavily you'll never get a corporate job. If you request ham and eggs while staying at your Jewish friends house, you'll probably offend them. If you walk into a church with a gay lover holding hands, you will more than likely treated rather coldly OR have people everywhere praying for you.

There is no such thing as a happy, hippy place where we all just accept each other no matter what we do. Some things offend some people. Boyscouts is a private group, it's a CLUB. Don't like the club rules? Don't join. I highly despise what the KKK stands for but they have every legal right to to stay a group and I let them do their thing and don't worry about it. Don't like the boyscouts? Their rules haven't changed in 100 years so no need to rant or worry about them, otherwise it's just showing YOUR lack of acceptance of others.

Chuck Testa

Trust me they are not all like this. There are alot of preconceived notions that all boyscouts are like this and its just not true. My brother went all the way from tigers in cub scouts to getting his eagle scout which does entail a hell of a lot of work that teaches alot of good shit you wouldnt normally learn in life, hes got to do alot more then regular people so in all honesty i kind of wish i had kept with it and gotten mine too. anyway what im saying is not all of them are as rascist and homophobic and what not as everyone thinks, the majority of them arent, its just the ones that are ruin it for everyone else.


humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
^^ dont care what the boyscouts think themselves, the organization has adopted an official stance. if you are part of that organization its going to be assumed you either agree or dont disagree enough to leave.

Time to put your big boy pants on and understand discrimination is going to happen everywhere in life. You'll find if you get your face tatted, you'll have a hard time making much more than minimum wage. Gauge your ears you probably won't get a job at the bank. If you're white you probably won't get any of the millions of "african american" grant money for college. If you use street slang heavily you'll never get a corporate job. If you request ham and eggs while staying at your Jewish friends house, you'll probably offend them. If you walk into a church with a gay lover holding hands, you will more than likely treated rather coldly OR have people everywhere praying for you.

There is no such thing as a happy, hippy place where we all just accept each other no matter what we do. Some things offend some people. Boyscouts is a private group, it's a CLUB. Don't like the club rules? Don't join. I highly despise what the KKK stands for but they have every legal right to to stay a group and I let them do their thing and don't worry about it. Don't like the boyscouts? Their rules haven't changed in 100 years so no need to rant or worry about them, otherwise it's just showing YOUR lack of acceptance of others.

first of all, if you tattoo your face you brought that upon yourself. that isnt something natural that you can't control. same with gauges. ive seen ghetto black people that talk with heavy slang in corporate jobs. an if you walk into a church with a gay lover holding hands and people DISCRIMINATE against you, whether or not its religiously based IT'S STILL DISCRIMINATION.

second of all did i stop them from being bigots? no, they're still bigots, just because im having a discussion about them doesnt mean im stopping them from being bigots. if you dont want to discuss this topic, leave.

"I highly despise what the KKK stands for but they have every legal right to to stay a group and I let them do their thing and don't worry about it'
no shit you let them do their thing, what are you going to do about it? those people are psychopaths and they'll kill you in a second if you try stopping them. but whos trying to stop anyone here? its irrelevant.

"Their rules haven't changed in 100 years so no need to rant or worry about them, otherwise it's just showing YOUR lack of acceptance of others"
im intolerant of intolerance. i do not treat people who discriminate against others with the same respect because they do not deserve the same respect. if you believe they do you have a very fucked up and twisted view of reality and you're the reason discrimination like this happens. if everyone was more vocally against this religious bigotry it would save a lot of lives.
this type of bigotry is why suicide rates are so much higher in the homosexual community. maybe if someone stood up for them for once instead of accepting that people are going to bully them, it wouldnt be so high.

its people like you who let shit like this happen

if you dont like the thread or the topic, leave. but before you do, explain WHY discrimination being normal means we should just ignore it and accept it. go ahead.

J dub

Bronze member
I am not endorsing discrimination. Kid listen, what did these guys do to you? They're a private group, they can do what they want. They are not on a anti-gay or anti-atheist agenda, they just don't want it mixed into their club. They are not forcing their beliefs on you, they just don't want their beliefs muddied up. This ain't anything new, they've had the same rules for 100 years (literally).

As far as discrimination being normal...well I said that because there's a big, big world outside of high school Anthony. And there's far more ****ed up things happening than boyscouts not letting gays into their school. There are murders happening daily because of being white, black, muslim or not. There are cops getting shot just because they have a badge and walked into the wrong anarchist shop. Of all the crazy groups persecuting others just because of their race or religion, you are all up in arms because the Boy Scouts don't OPENLY accept gays Not persecuting them...just not openly letting them in (pretty sure gay kids and kids who don't believe in God still become boyscouts everyyyyy day).

Big F'ing deal.


Boy Scout Rule of D's: After seeing a man's penis, in order to restore order of to the universe you must show that man your penis


ya boy boo radley
Staff member
Before you guys start the "all christians are bad because they hate gays" circlejerk, I'm going to say my piece. First of all, my denomination accepts homosexuals into their church and doesn't expect them to change. Secondly, while most boy scout troops are run by people who try to do what boy scouts is all about (resourcefulness, community service, character, other boyscoutish stuff), the higher ups in the organization are somewhat bigoted. While most members are not bigoted, there will be some who are, and some people who label all boy scouts as bigots because of the few that are. Those who aren't bigots probably value the things they learn above the negative stigma that is now associated with them. And quite honestly, an eagle scout will still be more respected than the average citizen because of the huge amount of work that is needed to be an eagle scout, bigot or not.

Chuck Testa

Before you guys start the "all christians are bad because they hate gays" circlejerk, I'm going to say my piece. First of all, my denomination accepts homosexuals into their church and doesn't expect them to change. Secondly, while most boy scout troops are run by people who try to do what boy scouts is all about (resourcefulness, community service, character, other boyscoutish stuff), the higher ups in the organization are somewhat bigoted. While most members are not bigoted, there will be some who are, and some people who label all boy scouts as bigots because of the few that are. Those who aren't bigots probably value the things they learn above the negative stigma that is now associated with them. And quite honestly, an eagle scout will still be more respected than the average citizen because of the huge amount of work that is needed to be an eagle scout, bigot or not.

my point exactly