Brian Amato vs. Justin Robertson - Flat Only

brian amato

justin... omg. hahah i'd love to play you mang. you'll most likely kill me, but i'm up for a challenge. text me if you want, i always forget to check this thread...


Josh Young

Super Moderator
Staff member
idkkkk man that truck to tiretap and you didnt fakie really at all. haha i wouldnt count it

brian amato

i didn't think it was too bad i just didnt really see much of a manual. i dont wanna be giving you a hard time, but i'll give you like more time or whatever if you wanna try it again. if not, im still kinda sorta taking it into consideration its really hard to call haha


Steel Member
im just gonna take the letter, i was busy today and its been raining here too, i dont wanna delay the game too much so its no big deal to me =p

brian amato

thas fine man and ill probably take a letter on yours too haha. i can't 5. sorry it took me so long to get back to this i was riding ALL week.