Call of Duty:World at War


Who's getting this?
Looks sweet
Multiplayer campaign,online vehicles,Good graphics and a sexay plot...
Got the beta for 360 too :D
yeah i can't wait. i pre ordered, but it's going to take a few days for the beta to come cuz the person at gamestop said it's full or something. i wasn't paying attention
Chad MacLean said:
meh, am i the only one sick of ww2 games?

i used to be, but this game is so damn good. it's pretty much COD4 but WW2 and there are a lot of other cool things really the only way it's similar at all to COD4 are the perk,experience, weapon, challenges, and point system (except for assists)


im mlg for cod4 and i gott the WAW beta. LOVE IT pre-ordered dat and am pumped for WAW. i wanna go to mlg dallas for that