
I wore them for years. Grab near the side and kinda squeeze together towards the middle and pull them off. Don't be afraid to seriously grab your eye haha.
Been trying to get this thing out for 3 hours, 10 more minutes and I'm just going to go to sleep.

Edit: haha just got it, now I realize it really is easy. I was ready to give up on contacts already.


Bronze member
it takes a wile to get used to but putting them back in is pretty easy just get it on the tip of ur finger and pry ur eyelids open with ur fingers and put it on ur eyeball not to complicated


Bronze member
hardest things to take out for the first time man but after you learn ways to grab them and realize it doesn't hurt and get used to touching your eye, takes a minute to put in or take out.

Frank T

Silver Member
I've had them for a bit longer then four years. Once you get used to it, they are beyond easy, I take mine out or put ten in in like ten seconds without a mirror