im going to do a corkscrew like daniel dhers
Its a 180 to flair.
Anyone that says different is an idiot.
this is a highly debated topic
flair?:: flip air
air is in a 180 qaurter correct?
a tailwhip air is also this, yet you don't say tailwhip air flyout do you?
some might say "but you say waffle, and look back fly out" if its a 180 downside invert/180 turndown
flair: means flip air,
and a air is going up a ramp, getting air in a 180 and landing back where u came from, and a corkscrew is 180 backflip to 180, not 180 to flair, if u did a corkscrew in a air, would be a corkscrew, and if u say corkscrew air, it would be a 180 to flip to *360* in a air, sum kids gotta get their shit straight, been taking to much pole in the hole