My point exactly. This thread should be locked, it serves absolutely no purpose except for you to start shit for no reason.
Yeah, your right man. This thread should be locked because I'm not giving anyone a happy-go-lucky motivational pep speech, oops.
My point of this thread for anyone who still cant see it... :
I still think deck pins are better, i have never had a problem with them. Im sorry that you guys have and i'm sorry that you switched back to griptape. If your deck pins get loose, try throwing a little lock tite on the threads. As far as im concerned, gorilla glue is made for wood. While i might be mistaken and it could work on other things, it obviously doesn't work like locktite which is made for that reason. If your shoes get to torn up, cut down your pins, make them smaller. Your deck pins should be just big enough to fit inside the cracks in your shoe to hold you on, but not make it to hard to let go.
Once again, my conclusion : If these steps are all approached accordingly and you still have problems, sorry. I'm here to help and let people know how great never sliding off my deck, when i do not want to, is.