District Brake on a phoenix 4.5?


Bronze member
Is this possible?
I don't have a flex fender all i got is a district with the brake.

So i want to put the district brake on my phoenix 4.5 integ.

Is it possible?

Dean Bost

Bronze member
i dont think the wheel would even fit, district brake's arent flat at all. Phoenix decks are meant to hold a flat brake. They aren't cut-out for a district brake. Than again ive never tried it thats just my opinion

Billie Rainbow

Silver Member
ive made one for a maddgear so you can def do it. cut the rubber mount down the centre in 1/2 which should make it a bit thinner. then grind the sides of the brake and you will have to mock fit the assembly untill it fits. might have to cut into the deck or cutting the brake is easier as the brake can handle plenty of abuse. as for the spacers, old bearing centres fit tight into the district mount. overall if you can do it, its worth it