District V2 Wheel Help


Bronze member
allright so i have a district v2 deck, everything on it was fine until my friend decided to tighten the hell out of my axels to make it more dialed he tightened it so much the wheels didnt move when u spun them but i could ride it normally when i was actually on it.then it started making a retarded noise then an even worse noise so i took off the wheel and the bearings were fu.cked so i got new bearing and put them in then put my acel in and tightened it as much as i could but the wheel was still loose and moved if u touched and jimmied it around and when you spin it it makes a weird noise, sorry if this is a stupid question or something but basically what im asking is how do i fix it so that the wheel isnt loose and it doesnt make the noise, plz dont say tighten it because i cant thanks in advance


Bronze member
i have no idea what it is, i couldnt even explain the noise its like its loose but i tightened it as hard as i could could it be the bearings arent in enough? i thin they are? or i put the axel in the wrong way? im just so confused


Bronze member
fucckk i think that might be it ... because to get my bearing out i used the axel (stupid i know) how would i check to see if it is rubbing


Silver Member
if its a for whith the realy thin wahshers tha means you lost one or both
if it is a district fork thats what hapend
and is there a spacer in youre wheel
put bearing spacers in between your bearings(inside you wheel) and your wheel will spin and stop the sound. i had the same problem. hope this helped