Does Anyone Know Thread

ok so i see threads asking if people know when things are gunna be in stock so just ask in here and more than likely people will tell you or tell you how to find out

ill start....does anyone know when pheonix intagrated 4.5 decks will be in stock?


Steel Member
i think i heard somewhere phoenix is gonna try and have them in stock everywhere after christmas. and does anyone know where i can get a black blunt deck? and disitrict sealed headset? thanks


Steel Member
Blunt decks should be in stock at inward. inward also should have phoenix integrated in stock early january.


Steel Member
i think i heard somewhere phoenix is gonna try and have them in stock everywhere after christmas. and does anyone know where i can get a black blunt deck? and disitrict sealed headset? thanks

boom here you go .
there in stock and ready to ship.

oh and as for you mason


when are these dropping ?



Steel Member
woah, I didnt know they made pegs! Does anyone know why theres some sort of insert in them, or is that just the way its machined?


woah, I didnt know they made pegs! Does anyone know why theres some sort of insert in them, or is that just the way its machined?

yep i know :D
Blunt pegs cro-mo outer and Alu inner... Strong and light :) Coming soon

(copy and paste of the site i found it )


yh im interested cos the only pegs that shape that are easy to get in uk are districts and there not cromo

and who can share some info on this

someone posted a pic of it earlier and i may just being brainfuck but is it kinda like hic , as in do u need oversize , lol i don't get it
and apparently its by a company called dsc but couldn't find any info on google


Steel Member
i swear it looks like a triangle pizza box like that because when i was in middle school they sold pizza every friday and it would be one slice in a box like the link it just showed and thats what the box looks like

notice how in the pic with the blunt pegs look at the box there on it looks exactly like that pic i just showed