i dont think the fav riders has changed at all since the last 1100110101 times this thread has been around
origiality!!! eric ostrome
style/smoothness... toy, stan,BK, rickyw
overall sexyness... dan barret
consistancy... jon j
best trend... coedie, well all the aussies
style- Cary / James B / Alex S
tech- Dan W
park- LOTS..Terry / Lots
street- Mckeen / Bibito / Alex P
turndowns - DSC / Alex S
tables - Eathan H - DSC
Flat- BK
overall- Coedie
park- THE terry price
street- Mckeen
style- dunno
tech- dan, dan, pate, magray
flat- dan, pate
overall- BK or Terry, his amazing park skills make up for what we haven't seen him do on street. although i know he's jumped a 16 set.