first flair attempt

i just leanred back flips last thursday in the bronx. mad pumped and back home upstate i went to my local skate park that has a 5 ft quater and tried flairs the first flair i got the backflip but could not spin the 180 and the handelbars hit me in the gut hurt my wrist and both my ankles it really hurt. so if any1 got tips of doing them the right way let me know ok
jesse told me how to do them dont turn oppisite dont come up on not to much of an angle and throw it like almost a normal backflip and turn you body a lil ive tryed so many flairs its rediculous and get them one footed almost every time really flustrating

brandon kilbury

Super Moderator
john i thought you had flairs regular and opposite..i was expecting them to noseblunt by now..

but anyways, back when i could flair, just go straight off the lip, straight up, but while your coming off, turn your head and shoulders to wihcher way you want to spin, that should at least get you to 90 degrees

farmboy uk

Steel Member
if you do a flair as fast as jesse is there anyway you can actually spot your landing or is it just a blur??? i only want people that can flair to answer this

Kenny O.

farmboy UK said:
if you do a flair as fast as jesse is there anyway you can actually spot your landing or is it just a blur??? i only want people that can flair to answer this
im a rebel...
and jesse doesnt flair, there jsut stylish 180s
ims ur eits the same as a frontflip(atleast this part that im explaining).. u can't see anyhting but u kno where u are in the air because of equalibrium or somehting but you see just ebfore u land... im just guessing becaus ei wouldn't think it would be any different