I found these two old a's in a thrift store up the road from my house
it's amazing how dumb people are. there were easily fixable problems with each.
-twisted handle bars (loose clamp)
-wheel with alot of flat spots
-un-locked folding mech.
simple fixes.. i basically got two old a's for 10$ today.
Have you ever found a scooter tossed out with a simple problem like this? like side of the road/in the woods stuff
it's amazing how dumb people are. there were easily fixable problems with each.
-twisted handle bars (loose clamp)
-wheel with alot of flat spots
-un-locked folding mech.
simple fixes.. i basically got two old a's for 10$ today.
Have you ever found a scooter tossed out with a simple problem like this? like side of the road/in the woods stuff