French ID Discussion.


Bronze member
Most legit team out there... huge respect for putting so much effort in the sport... I<3FrID


Steel Member
how can they afford it when they make like no money?
theres like 5 people iv'e seen whove bought from them.
apart from that they just spend loads of money and give free parts to like 20 sponsered riders??
definatley the most legit though.

Big L

Steel Member
Yeaa my new bars are half frenchID and half buff, there sweet my scooter is covered in frenchID stickers hahaha


I think FrenchID will help the scooter sport to a higher level, out of the toy market.

I have some FrenchID scooters here and they are 100% super designed. They designed each and every part on the scooter.
SO for me its tumbs up !


I love the team. The videos they bring out are insane.
Can't wait for any new products they bring out...ages ago i heard that they were designing there own deck or to see that.
we bought the rights off JD bug to make the muffin and use the blueprints, the muffin was made to make money to save up the amount we need to make the ARE pro model witch we designed are self and looks nothing like any other shlt from other companys. as you see by the forks.... we dont fnck around.