Fuck Razor

I got my pro model on friday and locked the foldy and did some other basic stuff and rode it for about 20 minutes of relatively light riding.
Today i was checking out the deck and i noticed that the 2 bolts on the front reinforcement things ( not the side ones, one on the first one and one on the last one) weren't even in and were badly sticking out . So i was like, oh okay no biggie, and i take everything apart. It turns out that they were both threaded wrong and won't even fit where they're supposed to go.
I'm fucking furious and cuz i bolted my foldy, i don't think the warantees' s gonna cover it. I don't care if your on razor or not, but can some body please tell me the deal with this and what i should do. I'd prefer to stay away from deck reinforcements too, i just want razor to send me a new pro. And please can no douches that hate just to hate come in here and write some gay ass answers

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
the hardwere store / home depot should sell them.... bring it with you and ask an enploey (sp). and razor is ggay but its what we got untill the sr complete


You're talking about those 4 bolts in the front that thread into that plate that's in the deck, correct? Just get the plate off an old scooter, it's pretty simple.
its not the plate, the plates fine. The deck itself was drilled wrong. you know how the bolts go through the deck into the foldy? The holes were drilled in the wrong places so that the threads don't go into the foldy, so that the bolts hang out and don't have any form of reinforcement going on. I might get some pics later cuz i realize what i'm saying is hard to get.
yeah exactly, two of them were drilled in the wrong spots so its physically impossible for them to be flush. The reinforcements do nothing. And i love the quote in your sig. The movie better be amazing.
I think i'm just gonna have to drill it. Its not that bad but it just sucks when you buy some shit brand new, you don't want it to have a like a ridiculous flaw. i already have a little stress crack too


Staff member
jesus christ a triple post.

but yeah, that sucks alot. my last pro model got fucked up too. i landed on the brake once and the bolt bent, so whenever i rode it would wobble and shit (no, not the spring.) i replaced the bolt, -which was curved now- recently.