funny airhorn trick


lol that made my day....although my day was shitty cuz i threw up on my scooter and got ass raped by a donkey AFTER i shit my pants
holy crap FREAK OUT. yes that was 2 guys sleeping together .. dont worry they arent gay.. YOU dont ever sleep with your friends in your bed? when they spend the night?

Matt Dibble

Staff member
The Ryan Davis? said:
holy crap FREAK OUT. yes that was 2 guys sleeping together .. dont worry they arent gay.. YOU dont ever sleep with your friends in your bed? when they spend the night?

not yet, but i have a feeling after me, miles, bk, and leaves' orgy we will be too tired to leave my bed.


CodyChirichiell said:
my friends sleep on the floor.
same here heh, but altough i have bed like 1x1,8m :p , but meh i wouldnt still sleep in one bed heh, soo weird, i remember when my two friends were sleeping over me on floor and after they wake up, one of my friend did sleep on other