Game Of SCOOT (LIVE)??

Okay does anyone got a lappy ( laptop ), webcam, WAP ( Wireless ), And a stickam account?
I think it would be just awesome doing it live on stickam playing each others, Since I've scootered outside before like this on stickam and it goes at average FPS speed and everything.

Good idea?

P.S. I use my video camera, through USB. so yeh
Sorry if it's hard to understand it or whatever
( Plus didn't know if this is the right thread. So sorry )
[Dylan said:

I think it would be just awesome doing it live on stickam playing each others

haha im sorry im not a dick or anything but im bored and i just thought that sounded weird, but the whole live scoot thing sounds like a cool idea


yer pretty good idea and i hav a laptop and cam and wireless but i am a shit rider sooo yer and i dont have a stickam account
scootertodd said:
yer pretty good idea and i hav a laptop and cam and wireless but i am a shit rider sooo yer and i dont have a stickam account
im a shit riderr to.
and easy to sign up.

and yehh it can be a hassle.


some1 should make a thread on a idea of having a scoot tourne like one on one till u work up to the top just a idea?