Headset spacers help

zach poon

Silver Member
So i decided to use some headset spacers to make my bars higher im using 2 bigish ones and 2 small ones; my fork only goes halfway to the second bolt of my scs; am i good or should i take a spacer off?

Hamish C

Steel Member
Take them off unless you need them, you're more likely to bend/snap the end off your fork or ruin your SCS running unnecessary spacers. Better off getting new bars or tapering them or something.

zach poon

Silver Member
Take them off unless you need them, you're more likely to bend/snap the end off your fork or ruin your SCS running unnecessary spacers. Better off getting new bars or tapering them or something.
Tapering is expensive; im just gonna take off one so it goes up my scs


this actually works but only to an extent. I think an 1"-1.5" is the most you should do, half on the bars half on the fork

Hamish C

Steel Member
1.5" is the entire bottom half of an SCS you wouldn't be able to run that many unless your fork was too long for the SCS anyway lol