Hella Grip?


Steel Member
I kinda like the idea of a scooter grip tape company, and I think their logo is pretty nice. But is it good? Comparable to any skateboard grip tape brands? And how big are the sheets?

Scott Freibaum

Steel Member
Um I will say it does its job but you can find better. It wears out kinda fast too. Just go buy Home Depot step tape. Lasts ages. The only reason I would tell people to buy some is to support the company.


Steel Member
That sucks man. I don't understand why they don't make it better though, I hope they will. I wanna support the company, but if they don't sell good products, I don't see the point. If they made it better, more people would have bought it and given them free exposure because of the big logo.

Grant Schofield

Silver Member
Ayyyee theres a new design thats better idk when its getting released. But the stuff now is fine

And its 4.5 x 13 soon they'll have 5 x 22

Bryce R.

Bronze member
I love their grip tape. I had to cut mine to size because I have an aos v2 but it fits alright on my friends addict so its pretty big.

issac p

Silver Member

this looks sick, but $9 for 1 sheet? i wish i had more money :(

D ∆ V I D

Basic Bunch
um 9 bucks for a sheet of griptape. if they want support make it 4 bucks a sheet at least. i can get enough grip for 4 decks and it will only cost me 5 bucks


tightbutthole? lol wtf
um 9 bucks for a sheet of griptape. if they want support make it 4 bucks a sheet at least. i can get enough grip for 4 decks and it will only cost me 5 bucks

yea forreal... for me and most people griptape is like water, easy as hell to get, it had better be the perfect never wearing down grip tape for me to spend 9 bucks on a sheet that will only grip one deck...

D ∆ V I D

Basic Bunch
#dissapointed #tbt RT @JCott: yea forreal... for me and most people griptape is like water, easy as hell to get, it had better be the perfect never wearing down grip tape for me to spend 9 bucks on a sheet that will only grip one deck...

Hunter Treviranus

Silver Member
the new griptape is worth it.

idk why mothership sells it for $9 a sheet.

at SD7 i got 3 sheets and a hella grip coozie for $20

the new kind is actually good...and it fits my entire deck hahaha


the new griptape is worth it.

idk why mothership sells it for $9 a sheet.

at SD7 i got 3 sheets and a hella grip coozie for $20

the new kind is actually good...and it fits my entire deck hahaha

Mothership has always been overpriced and idk why, I remember when they sold the original phoenix integrateds for $250.