Help on my whip to bars


Bronze member
i can bar to whip fine. but when it comes to doing my barspins in the final trick combo, im to pussy to throw my bars. but when i do commit i catch the whip and then throw my bar and the deck comes out from under me. help?


i can almost do them but i feel like its not solid at all. they are loose and not clean

you want more air, and throw the whip as fast as you can and you want start throwing the bar a little early. Practice the motion flat a bunch, I actually find whip bars easier flat.

Arnor Smari

Bronze member
What I did was I'd just do like 4 whips in a row and catch them as high as I could then I would just randomly try to throw the bar. You're thinking about it too much and this might help you get used to throwing it. Try to learn it on flat, it's not that hard

Robert Reichley

Bronze member
i couldnt do these for a while.. but one day i was really on top of my game and im like "hey why not just try it. i know im not gonna get it" then i got it first try and every other try after that.. then i went to get the camera and i couldnt do them anymore :'(