how do i fakie hop down a set?


Silver Member
I was screwing around on my scooter esterday and tryed to fakie hop down a 3 set and kept looping out. does anyone have any tips on this?


Gold Member
make sure you dont clip the edge of the ledge when you try the fakie hop down it, doing that really sucks and you fall back and ofcourse, you die


Steel Member
They take a lot of time and practice. I would say get comfortable with half cabs first then just try to fakie hop off curbs or over cracks in a sidewalk. In my opinion its a pretty difficult trick and its super scary haha but if you're arleady tring them down 3 stairs you shouldnt have to much of a problem with them.


Silver Member
Also. When do i know if i need new parts? Like i have a stock ultra pro with a district clamp and the whole thing rattles and grinds against itself lol.