How do you hop higher?


Steel Member
Over time you can jump alot higher, but you could try jumping over things and then keep adding something to make it higher


Steel Member
Practice! Practice! Practice! Just keep hopping and try to go higher each time. The stronger you are the higher you can go.


Steel Member
I've never practiced hopping in the 3 years I've been scootering, but I can hop onto things around 3 feet high. Maybe higher. I haven't measured. But build a hop bar or find something to hop over or onto.

Nick Griffin <3

Steel Member
bend your knees


Steel Member
my gym teacher used to say jumping rope can make you hop like a foot higher, but hes talking about without a scooter, idk if it would apply to scootin though :/
practice jumping in place as high as possible & tuck ur knees n2 ur gut & land with ur knees fully bent. Then work on squats aswell the 2 muscles u need 2build r ur biceps triceps & glutes & calves... now also practice tucking ur bars & pushing them forward more,
& work on ur timing 4 ur jumps, especially on flat, try stacking objects up & hopping it & commit!!!