How often do you ride?


Anthony Pellino
This has probably been a thread before but I didn't find anything and am curious to see how much everyone rides.

like 1-2 times a week

Yea I wish I rode more, but have no time to.

spencer cunningham

Bronze member
between 3 and 5 days a week, for at least an hour each day lately,
but its about to be winter and i don't wanna pay to ride my scooter
sooo probably alot less soon :(

Hep Greg

Everyday, because commute on my scooter.

but as far as freestyle riding goes, on average 4-5 days a week.
Hm, I go out at least every day/ every other day on it, but its only really some days and at the weekend when I actually ride all day doing tricks if you get me,


Anthony Pellino
I wish I could ride more. I signed up for football because all my friends were doing it and I just needed something to do. I've been sick (Swine Flu I think) for the last 7 days. I had to miss going to Rye Airfield, twice. :C


For me, Everyday for about 4 hours atleast.
But as soon as the weather starts getting crappy, i'm going to lay off of it over the winter.


Steel Member
I try to ride in my driveway and work on my flatland a couple hours every day. Then on weekends I usually try to go to my local. But as some of you may know, the weather hasn't been great so I really cant.