How To Make a Fork Race?

Joey Wallace

Steel Member
Is There Anything i can use to make a fork race?
I Had Thought About Using Thick Tape/Electrical Tape?

Kevin Lo

Bronze member
A Fork race? As in to make your headset spin?
Why not just use the one that came with your headset or buy a new one?
I dont think tape will work o_o

Joey Wallace

Steel Member
yea thats what i mean, and mine somehow got lost i don't know what happened to it lol and where can you buy them?


Silver Member
Just email who you got it from and ask if they sell spare parts, and if not, tell them it came without it and you expect a replacement. Actually, don't do the second idea...

DJ Lee

Steel Member
u dont atleast have your razor crown race? or if anything, try to fing an older new a model and take the crown race off that

but ive never owned a can creek headset so its just a suggestion

DJ Lee

Steel Member
haha, from the look of my friends cane CREEK i dont think so haha. if u didnt get the hint. his creaks alot. but i run integrated so im fine haha


get a stock razor bottom cup & bearings and put the razor crown race on your fork and youre good to go