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made a montage of my good tricks from my olod videos
made a montage of my good tricks from my olod videos
AJ Storcella said:that video had a lot of good tricks in it. twas a little long and the only thing is that you did wayyyyyy too many briflips. that might be your thing. but most people dont like to see the same trick over and over and over and over and over and over.......... sorry i got carried away. anyways. good video, chill on the briflips. and one more thing. JESSE MACALUSO FRONT SCOOTER FLIPS!!!!!!!!! hahaha
Steven T said:From now on, if im ever having a bad day. I will simply watch your video...fastforward to 1:47..and laugh until i fall out of my chair.
I mean ive heard of a bowlegged turndown..but a DOUBLE bowlegged turndown? goodness..