i'm old

hi all, i'm bored and sick and decided to check out what's goin on in the sport that i was once engulfed in. watched some vids, some real impressive stuff, i can't imagine. any geezers from the dinosaur days around? this is kat by the way.


I got myself banned.

it's a joke or real and then if it's real its a whaaaaaaaaaaaaat


Hah, not many OGs still around Kat. Good to see you still remember the sport and everything. Hope everythings still going good for you.
steven! of course i remember scootering, there's a shiny aluminum place in my heart for it. i wish i could still do it, my health has hindered me as of late but i do longboard down hills in the mid of night with zach hart as much as possible. hope all is sweller than hell for you 8)

and it's really me, i don't know why anyone would pose as me, except that creepy silverman kid, but here's a little proof...

ZH in the come monday logo


jarret during PTE filming



holy shit kat larios, i haven't heard from you in so long, glad to hear you're still alive. i've still got that pushing the edge vhs, i should upload that for these kids to see.

IM me one day, my s/n is kaney2187 we definitely need to catch up.
hi andrew! hi sean! it would be cool to upload PTE, not too many folks saw it. it's a shame they took so long to release it, by the time it was out not only were vhs tapes goin outta style, but the tricks were way outdated. i was lucky enough to be in on the incubation period of scootering, i could get by on doublewhips and chairmans and be considered decent. pretty innocent stuff back then, we would watch "evolution" incessantly and just be mesmerized by real basic stuff done at quirky little spots. meeting jarret reid after worshipping the ground he rolled across for so long was such a trip, we spent a whole day in nyc with him. he would see a tiny ledge ten feet up and find a way to gap it to some short landing, with a 360 barspin to boot. we just talked his ears off wanting to know everything about him haha, he was sneaking off throughout the day, we were so naive. then we went to the core tour and saw him and scott mccormack, it was even more insane. i have a picture somewhere of jarret frontflipping the giant bmx ramp... he went through 7 scooters that day, B models!


Steel Member
wait actually i kinda recognizes the name and i think i remember seeing a vid of you somewhere...

Matt Ogle

Kat larios, good to hear from you again.
First time i ever get on SR i told you about Ramp48 skatepark in florida haha.

Hope all is well <3