Is my dad right?


Bronze member
So every time i get shoes they rip after 2 weeks of riding then i have to get new ones (cheap shoes) well my friend recommended a pair of nike 6.0
so my mom bought me some and they are super comfortable, and seeing that my friend's have lasted well over 2 months i believe these are worth the price, but my dad thinks other wise, he said my mom was stupid for spending 70 bucks on shoes that i am going to rip in 2 weeks and even though there comfortable that i shouldn't be spending that kind of money on shoes because its not worth it
so... is my dad right or is it better to spend money on quality shoes?
no, hes not right. good quality shoes will last longer than cheaply made shoes. Nike 6.0 shoes are great but i would have saved your money for the elyts scooter shoes coming at the end of the month, these shoes were made for scooters, not skateboards or BMX's.


Staff member
Meh, I just ride whatever works. My current riding shoes are beat up nikes, they've lasted a while.


Steel Member
Buy leather or suede shoes, they last the longest. I know a lot of people like Nike 6.0s but I know nothing about them. Generally the more you pay though, the higher quality the shoe.


Bronze member
those shoes will last well but too make the life of em longer try not too do too much heeldrag as it will wear out the heel and if you do it too much you can make holes in the heel


Steel Member
My shoes always rip in the same place - the middle of the inside on my left foot. I ride goofy, and that bit usually catches the brake so I guess thats why. I've got some cheap Nike renzo things that have lasted me 2 months now, so all is good!


If your parents dont understand by now that "you get what you pay for"....there is probably no changing their minds.
Good shoes will definitely last longer that cheap shoes.... The same goes for pretty much everything else in life too.
Its a shame people have lost touch with this fact.

Scott Trainer

Super Moderator
Staff member
It matters a lot. Ive been riding in 6.0's for about a month. My feet get all sweaty and gross, and Ive been taking so many gnarly street bails haha. Theres pretty scuffed up but still so good.


Steel Member
I just ride any skate shoes, vans, elements, nike's all work so much better than some random cheap shit. Repeatedly buying cheap shoes, in the long run will cost a lot more than occasionally buying expensive one, plus they'll look a lot better be better for you feet and stuff.


the price of the shoe does not always determine the strength of the shoe i have had 3 pairs of 6.0 in the past 4 weeks and they keep ripping apart.


Steel Member
The only reason I have ripped shoes ridding is when I had a back peg with an axle that was too long and when I pushed I would hit it sometimes and it would rip(my shoe)

So basically if you have anything sticking out that shouldn't be either change it or cut it...


Bronze member
Nikes last the longest. DC shoes... 2 weeks. (summer)
Adios... 1 week. (summer)
Nike 6.0.. 5 months (winter)
Basic nikes. 4 months (2 months winter, 2 months spring)
Vans... 2 months but those were worst Vans.
I have nike SBs now.