I think you're into this hobby for the wrong reasons. Fame, notoriety, and notability are bad reasons to do any hobby, including scooter riding. I learned this the hard way. Don't do that.
Do you enjoy riding scooters, even though you're bad at riding? Awesome. Stick around for awhile. Practice and improve.
Do you want to get better for the sake of personal fulfillment? Put in the hard hours of practice. If you're doing it for yourself, practice is its own reward even without much result.
If you're interested in design - you might want to think about engineering as a career. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with scooters, but a lot of the "cool stuff" about product design, fabrication, etc. are a huge part of mechanical engineering. If that's the part of scooters that you like, consider it.
tldr: do what you like, because you like it. don't do what you don't like.