Jarred Harwood


Steel Member
You sir, are a piece of shit.
How could you do that to someone? Even if he was a homeless.
I mean, come on dude, the pigeon prank was funny, but the rape the nigger prank took it too far...

You should be ashamed of yourself, srsly.


Silver Member
Jarred didn't even know the pigeon was going to shiit as it was flying over the bum if he fed it a laxative!
How can you claim its his fault...
You haven't got the story right either... It was RAKE the nigger! Like, prod him with the handle end.. Not rape...
Get the story straight.
fuck off.
aaron u dont even know jarred good cunt!
wat the fuck are u doing sticking up for him?when last time he saw u u went spazx at him because he threw his chewing gum on the ground and u rode through it...honestly man.next time i see u watch out.....
same goes for u manzie...im over this shit...leave the kid alone.......


Steel Member
Dude, i couldn't care less if you think he's a good guy, and even if he did say rake the nigger, he still dry humped the shit out of that homeless guy, and i just think that thats wrong. Okay?

Accept it, he's a terrible person in general...


Silver Member
Dude, dry humping is like having sex with a really thick condom, and the the Bum consented!
It wasn't dry-rape!
And Jarred isn't a terrible person, he got all the gum off my wheel after he ACCIDENTALLY spat it out and i rode through it.
Everyone knows i have ADD and can't control myself without medication...
And don't even try bring up the time he knocked out that 80 year old on the bus, he was trying to press the stop button and his eyes were watering! It was an accident!!
Aaron Bransdon said:
Dude, dry humping is like having sex with a really thick condom, and the the Bum consented!
It wasn't dry-rape!
And Jarred isn't a terrible person, he got all the gum off my wheel after he ACCIDENTALLY spat it out and i rode through it.
Everyone knows i have ADD and can't control myself without medication...
And don't even try bring up the time he knocked out that 80 year old on the bus, he was trying to press the stop button and his eyes were watering! It was an accident!!
aaron waaat the fukkk dude.one minute u hate the kid next minute u suck up to him like his ure mummies boyfreind??!!!
u like him so much all of a sudden go suck his dick.and u have ADD hey?well how do u think he felt when his got ADD aswell and once he got the chewy out of ure wheel u rubbed it in his eyebrow???he came to the park the next day with his whole eyebrow shaved off and a an aweful strong smeel of peanut butter and mayonaise because his mum wasnt all that well educated and thought using peanut butter and mayonaise would get the chewy out of his eyebrow but then it got into his eye.he said it stng realy bad.so his mum just shaved his fukking eyebrow off!


Steel Member

Is it that hard?
Honestly, the whole eyebrow thing doesn't mean shit compared to the homeless guy, what he did to him was fucked up man... first the pigeon, and then making a scene by yelling out rape, or rake the nigger, whatver. In the middle of the city too, wtf?

So uncalled for, and pouring his large chocolate thick shake on his dog just added insult to fucking injury.

Fuck that kid.