[ New] Fork Xt pro


This is a very good Fork for the freestyle scooters. It is very solid and the design has been designed to handle jumps!
It is much better than the reinforced sprite fork


Now you can order on Micro.xtreme.com


BST Moderator
Staff member
exodewear said:
This is a very good Fork for the freestyle scooters. It is very solid and the design has been designed to handle jumps!

holy shit are you serious? it can survive jumps?

omg what a joke for that much money

EDIT: start making threadless forks


Steel Member
JDBen said:
exodewear said:
This is a very good Fork for the freestyle scooters. It is very solid and the design has been designed to handle jumps!

holy shit are you serious? it can survive jumps?

omg what a joke for that much money

EDIT: start making threaded forks with thick walls


BST Moderator
Staff member
^if they were threadless they would already have double the strength in the first place

threadless is the future


Super Moderator
Staff member
ben your an idiot
the reason thredless is strong is cause of the wall is thicker with no threads
but threded with .120 wall is just as strong as thredless....
and just letting you guys know xt forks are strong as fuck.
dargers been riding one for about 4 or 5 months
and he has broken his sr fork 3 different times......


BST Moderator
Staff member
Alex Peasley said:
you sell t-shirts, how the fnck would you know. obv you dont since its the stupidest peice of scrap metal ive ever seen.

hehe xD

Tyler Wheeland. said:
ben your an idiot
the reason thredless is strong is cause of the wall is thicker with no threads
but threded with .120 wall is just as strong as thredless....
and just letting you guys know xt forks are strong as fuck.
dargers been riding one for about 4 or 5 months
and he has broken his sr fork 3 different times......

whoa dude i'm just saying what andrew said, and yh i am right. threaded will eventually die out, just wait and see...

Hep Greg

threade wont "die out". and if it does, it wont be for a long time. as long as stock scoters come with threaded forks/headsets, there will be a demand for threaded parts. and i really dont see razor making any design improvements anytime soon.


BST Moderator
Staff member
coryM said:

just like it did with bikes :)

wtf? aren't most bikes these days threadless forked?

Hep Greg said:
threade wont "die out". and if it does, it wont be for a long time. as long as stock scoters come with threaded forks/headsets, there will be a demand for threaded parts. and i really dont see razor making any design improvements anytime soon.

soon that won't even matter, razor will be an old thing

Micro (part wise)> Razor
French ID> Razor
Old "SR Parts" > Razor
Scooter Zone>Razor

and that isn't probably all.

and before you all put your fingers on the keyboard saying about how "great" the pro model is, think. it would be nothing without these after market

hardly anyone ride the 100% stock razor scooter (and i really do mean "untouched") it just doesn't happen...


Andrew .K said:
what r u talking about all bike forks are threadless at least the good bike forks not talking about the shit from walmart
JDBen said:
wtf? aren't most bikes these days threadless forked?
Learn your history before you make dumb comments, all bikes used to be threaded, including bmx bikes.