On Sale Grippers ($70) or New Eagle Hollow Techs ($95)


Steel Member
I need help deciding, grippers are only $70 but the hollow techs look sick. However, they're 95 dollars. Which is more worth the money?


Steel Member
Definately Protos, get the John Reyes Sigs or the new Dylan Kasson wheels. 70 is a GOOD DEAL compared to 95 with out shipping

Billie Rainbow

Silver Member
already had some, still eagles so save your money or try some sliders, very good street wheels and they grip better on concrete than grippers do but not great for wood with a protective layer on it

Shaun Walton

Bronze member
They may have changed something in the PU or the bonding. Not to sure. The hollowcores seem pretty legit, rode a friends and smooth like any other eagle wheel. Never rode proto's so can't put an output.