Planet Niburu?

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Billie Rainbow

Silver Member
First of all this thread is for all the people that need to let people have their own beliefs because niburu is believed by millions and could be very well true. People need to realise that if the end of the world was too come, the governments would not tell us, They couldn't control us if we knew we were dying. Who would want to work another day knowing that in a few years they could be all dead and all of it for nothing.

Revelations from the bible are actually coming true, More and more everyday.

Don't bring your arguments, I'm not here to fight and not here to listen to kids on a forum who think they are always correct, This is not a Win or lose thing, It's a discussion.

Frank T

Silver Member
not gonna start shit and say your wrong but imo the bible doesnt predict anything its bs
andd...inb4 lock

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
Although the other mods have been locking the Nibiru threads, I'll allow this one to stay open. Feel free to discuss your opinions and beliefs, but if any arguments break out, the thread will be locked and if it gets bad enough, people will be banned.


Steel Member
the world has been around for thousands of years, do you really think it's reasonable for the world to end now? I don't think so.


Steel Member
Bennet, Leave the thread, We don't need your negativity.

You want my whole hearted non-troll response to that video?

1: Lots of gramatical errors
2: quotes showing no source regarding obama in direct name (Not from bible)
3: Words added to quotes for clarity
4: Mistranslations
5: Shows "obama" in elementary school, when it was just a picture of a black kid
6: Word effects to grab attention, if he had a point those would be unnecessary
7: Says obama is from a tribe, as if all blacks are tribal heathens (fueled by white supremacy)
8: Lots of 666 math, some of it flawed... Most of it total nonsense
9: "Will have reigned for over 400 years"- USA, 1776-2011, 235 years... Durp
10: Shows pictures of holocaust as if it is obama's fault
11: Conclusion: Utter bullshit


a lot of this is much bigger than words can depict. if you truly have a sense of spirituality then you might understand all of this. its not about god, and its not about religion. it's about you and how you're entwined with your planet. just as the cells in your body are a society that helps YOU function day to day. us as humanoids on Earth are the cells that make the planet function day to day. but we lost connection with each other and that's why the world is falling apart. just as if certain cells in your body decided to not work with each other, your body and immune system will fall apart. soon enough you'll realize that EVERYTHING has to do with this topic alone. don't be so specific, and so general. it's much broader than names, words, dates and people.


yeah man, the only problem is people are clung to their reality too tightly. its not even about giving up hope, its about LEARNING. it is too hard for some people to dig deeper than their brains can interpret, because right now our brains truly cannot handle the change, but why keep living in a matrix, when you can prepare your mind to really LEARN. the information age is now, the internet and the recent wave of technology that we think is so "revolutionary" is not by coincidence, and is surely not revolutionary. its the key to spread REAL knowledge. Humans on this planet although, will sometimes listen, but refuse to learn.

Frank T

Silver Member
nothing is caused by 'losing touch with each other or something" things happen because of science because of math not cause were not in touch with the planet.. my two cents


nothing is caused by 'losing touch with each other or something" things happen because of science because of math not cause were not in touch with the planet.. my two cents

understandable, but do you have any idea how much modern day science deems somethings "unexplainable"? There are many phenomenons going on right now more than ever that scientists are truly baffled by and usually have some kind of answer like "the universe is just too complex and we are still learning." you really should see somethings that "science" has uncovered in just the past year, and how many things are going unexplained. And this is MY OPINION and belief, but you should check out quantum physics and related sciences, I think it may be probably the closest thing we have to the truth right now. but again, this is MY VIEW. I don't claim anything to be anything.

Kieran Mayhew

Rob is not going to go ape----- like Joe said, this is everyone's last chance to try and prove they can have an intelligent discussion without wanting to rip each other apart.

And from the article that fabritzio just posted, it seems that the whole idea of Nibiru colliding with the earth, was created by some crazy old woman who reckoned she had contact with extraterrestrials from the Zeta Reticuli star system. She also claimed that she was put on earth to warn people of what would happen. She did though say that this collision would have happened in May 2003, which is obviously in the past.

Nibiru passes earth every 3600 years, and the last recorded passing was in 556 BC, which would mean that the next passing won't be until the end of this millennium. I am more inclined to believe this though, because it is from an astronomer who has actually put research into it, as opposed to someone of religious background, following mythology.

However, this is wikipedia, so don't assume everything to be correct.


Steel Member
The world is supposed to end just about every year, it seems. It's gonna end some day, but sitting around trying to calculate when the world is going to end, basing it on a bunch of spiritual bull----- and rounding up a following of gullible half-wits who believe anything they're told doesn't help anyone. If the world ends, we're dead. Might as well make the most out of the time you have instead of squandering it away being paranoid about when we're all gonna die.
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