
I own SR.
This section is dedicated to helping others find new scooter friendly riding spots.

PLEASE make a new thread for EVERY different park you want to talk about. DO NOT make a thread talking about 10 different parks or else the time it would take to browse all the threads would completely defeat the purpose of this section.

When you make a new thread make the title "What State: The Park Name".

Thank You.

If you read about a park you are interested in on here then try looking it up on Sk8 Park List for more info and directions.


(Just chucking ideas out there)

What about street riding? Could we put street spots in aswell? As long as we give directions. Also if its not in America do we put the countrey infrount?
Andrew, if this section is supposed to be a skatepark list, make the list of threads somehow not fold into pages (so it would be like one giant page) so people would search and browse it easiliy, people are too lazy to check stuff a few pages back. Also it would be nice if ppl put pics in those threads.

Brian Boston

I got myself banned.
You don't need to post 'that park is sick, i want to ride it' on every park that is sick and you want to ride. Allready had to PM somone for doing it.


umm dayboro sk8park in Queensland Australia is the best it has a half pipe quater pipe spine wave and some little concrete things :p