riding ski


Keepin' Peace
Staff member
There is none, people naturally ride ski. You dont just start riding ski it's not a style or anything.


Steel Member
There is none, people naturally ride ski. You dont just start riding ski it's not a style or anything.

yeah, but there can still be pros and cons. A con is that you might have more of a chance of slipping off the deck, idk


Staff member
ski is good for nose mannys/hang 5s because your feet are kinda already there and you just slide it foward, and kinda good for backflips bcause you have a more naturaly backwards set balance when riding ski, thats all i can think of though

Thom Cat

Silver Member
I switch back and forth, but the best part about ski is I dont favor one side. if i ride reguar i always want to turn front side to the right. turning backside felt unatural, but if i ride ski going left is easier, and yeah mannys and manny bar spins. it helps having a deck with foot room like a wing or a squareback
one con of riding ski is you will end up tailwhipping one side and 180ing the other side so itll be hard to to whip air or bri airs
first of all i said bri air, no whip in there. and secondly if you dont whore bris you can make em look good. no point in never briing just to look cool.