Rup or Madd?

Mikey G

MGPs last a lot longer for me at least, weigh a shit ton more though. And have a steeper headtube angle. also an inch or so longer.
RUPs work for any beginner, and if you start to love them they are only 60 bucks after they break. RUPs are easier to whip, harder to barspin, and pretty narrow.
Your choice really, I rocked Razors until I snapped my first one's dropouts from grinding them out from fs feebles.

Mikey G

RUPs aren't weak, I beat the fuck outta mine for 8 months and it finally broke.
Also Madd bars on the un overpriced models are actually poop.


Steel Member
Lets see...
rup would probably break faster.
they are lighter.
have new models coming out
are a little too small for me.
and have shitty parts on the 2011 models
Madd Gear Pro
nitros are massive compared to rup
ninjas are perfect looking.
better parts (IMO)
look better (imo)

MGP team editions are just australian and british rups pimped the fuck out (IMO)