Scooter Dirt


An idea came in my head that peolpe could ride knowpeds and stuff, and hit dirt jumps on scoots just like bmx dirt

Big L

Steel Member
i hit dirt jumps with my scoot that i have now lol, just got to make sure there is no big rocks on the run in, and the dirt is't to soft, and you are set


i built a dirt scooter with a big fat fork and knobby tires taken off of an electric razor scooter and it ripped. i went and hit some dirt jumps, you get fat air

it had a stock deck, and i built and extension onto the dropouts so the 10 inch tires could fit in the back

if i can find the remains of it(i kinda got run over by a biker haha and the scooter was ruined) then i'll post pics


Steel Member
Blackscooter95 said:
With a micro speed you can ride in dirt ( maxime legrand sketchy video 4 )
WTF! omg that video is AMAZING!!, im favouriting that, its not just the dirt riding, its the rest of the stuff aswell. Fuckin sick!

also i have two of these and i hit up dirt tracks on them, when my foot gets better im gonna make an all dirt riding video!

Note: the dirt still has to be relitivly smooth, so don't expect to much from them!