
Do you have any of these little cunnts at your local park? All they can do is air the spine and snake the fucck out of everyone. They have 21" bars cause they think it helps your ability to ride when the can't even tailwhip, it's just bullshit. There is so many at my local its not funny. I will take a picture to show you guys.


Bronze member
god i wish there were actually more scooter riders at my local lol but theres always some little 8yr old riding his new A around and his mums telling us to get off the 'slides' because her son wants to play on them !mistrust

i get it more from inliners cutting me up just as i drop in


Silver Member
Paul Fletcher. said:
Do you have any of these little cunnts at your local park? All they can do is air the spine and snake the fucck out of everyone. They have 21" bars cause they think it helps your ability to ride when the can't even tailwhip, it's just bullshit. There is so many at my local its not funny. I will take a picture to show you guys.

Most of ours can't even do that...


Bronze member
Im the only scooter rider at my local but there is a sea of bmxers. its not uncommn to have like 30+ bikes, like 6 roller snakes and about 10 skaters in a park that is like 60m by 30m.


you're unlucky then, we just have a shit load of scooters. But then we have the bikers than come in groups from other parks, and same goes for skaters.
Fuck you guys think you have it bad?? come to fucking tasmania there are like 9 year olds with 30" wides who cant even roll down a fucking bank and just snake the shit out of every one.


probly just aussie coz all my locals hav 20+ kids that cant do shit and just sit the bowl and act cool
i dont mind when they actually ride and try to progres its just when they slide down the ramps and have there litttle races thats wat anoys me


klam said:
probly just aussie coz all my locals hav 20+ kids that cant do shit and just sit the bowl and act cool

thats nothing. there was at least 50-70 kids at a small park yesterday. its a fuccking daycare now.

hoestly ive seen a video of penrith when its busy and yeah its bad and im not tryingo make this into a compitition or anything but our park really is worse.. you cant ride when theres 2 people in the bowl due to the layout of the park, and you have kids riding through the middle and a constant rate. the 2 bits i like to ride are the places people like to stand and where kids like to ride up and down quaters for 14 minutes at a time.

Dylan Kasson

Steel Member
anybody who rides here is a rat basically theres a group that i ride with because its the only people to ride with and they arent really terrible they just arent good but i call them scooter babies so yea


but if they progress they learn how to use the skatepark better and not to stand on the fuckking bank and sit on the sub.