Selling Blade Brake Pretty Cheap!!!


Hey im selling a blade brake...
I want cash so ya.
How much would you offer??
It does not come with a spring or bolt for it but you can use a regular brake bolt and spring for it:)
Give me a couple days to clarify this for sure
And my moms paypal is all messed up so...




not at all i was gaven this scooter from a highschooler that was in his garage and it hasnt been used like at all...
it isnt grinded down at all

Mike Montgomery

Mike Montgomery
You will have to grind it yourself.
But if you really needed then we could get it grinded before forest sells it to you.

Forest i am saying this because we can use joshes grinder like we did for jakes.


Idk if i woulod want to sell it all the way there...
If you want it grinded down so it will fit a pro model just say and i can do it...
Ill sell o whoever bids the highest