setup recommendation?

im fairly new to scootering. I had a razor pro back in 2008ish, and I have 2 MGP XT dirt scooters currently. I'm looking to get into street riding and I wanted a recommendation on a setup.
My style for skateboarding is pretty much just bombing the shit out of hills, and I don't expect much less for scootering. I'm 5'10 and I read 24-25 high bars would be my ticket, and stability would probably be better with wider bars.. But how wide? Like more than 22in? I'm not sure how long the deck should be.. But longer usually means wheelbase is bigger, which means more stability. Is 21 enough? Or do I need to dish out the extra cash for one of those TSI 23in decks?
The AO Stealth 4 complete looks pretty good. the bars are 24in tall by 23 wide(I think) and the deck is a little over 21in long by 5in wide. Does that sound like it would fit my needs?
Thanks guys