Sky Highs or Inwards

sky high and inwards are great bars .. inward offers powdercoating and has a small reinforcemnt . so i guess technicaly inwards are better.. but theere pretty much the same
Well sorry, but I don't have money to buy every freaking type of bars and test them myself! :mad:

yeah thats why you search, just like you don't have to constantly ask someone what a word means, you can look it up in the dictionary. If you aren't even familiar with this site yet, don't bother to ask these questions, you'll eventually learn everything yourself. BOTH are 4130 chromoly like ALMOST ALL, bars so the material is all the same. Some welds are a little bit better, some have reinforcements or gussets, some even heat treated... so you decide

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
THERES A SEARCH BUTTON FOR A REASON. this or that threads are a huge waste of space. if you took 5 minutes to look around, this thread wouldnt be needed.

Ben Para

skyhigh bars are LIGHT but inwards great too really your choice-not much difference but id probly go sky high if you just want some plain bars

oh and skyhigh deff faster

Lamont Tyre

skyhighs are light,strong, and are really fast to be shipped i know this for a fact cuz my friend is on the team and his bars are perfect there so light but really strong id recommend getting them to anyone

Lamont Tyre

there lighter because they use a thinner bar for the crossbar it does make a difference ive held inwards and skyhighs and skyhighs are lighter and prolly just as strong