So i was held up at gunpoint...

So me, max demoss, aryton demoss and Adrian sanchez were riding some random church then all of a sudden some random ass bro dude tells us to give him everything he has and held up his gun at us and we gave him all of our phones and then he took off and we were like wtf!!
craziest moment that has ever happened to me
if any you need to reach me message me on myspace or comment in here

Michael Martinez

Michael Martinez
wow dude shits getting tough.
be careful now donatelli.
the other weekend i think it was wednesday some skater got stabbed for his board at bobby bonds.
then at 65th i heard a biker got jacked by some guy with a tiree iron


tonite i was riding summ manny pad at a church after eating wendies with nick donatelli , ayrton ,and adrian sanchez and a black car pulles up to us with this bro looking guy in it and he putts a sigeret in his mouth and says "do you guys have a lighter" and nick say no but you can" and the all of a sudden he pulls out a revolver looking gun and says "emptie your fucking pockets and give me everything or im going to kill you" so i gave him my phone nick gave him his phone adrien gave him his brothers phone and ayrton gave him his phone and a little bit of wax and he said "throw it in my lap now" and we did so then he drove off and i tried to look at the licens plate but it was to late and we ran back up to santana crying and exlane what happend to every one and then we used codies phone and called our parents and then the cops came to santana and asked uss a buch of stuff and i came home and the cops call so then we had to go down by 6th street and we had to identify some one and it wasnt himm scarest moment of my lifee

it was so sketchyy


Steel Member
That's hella gnarly! Me, Wernicke, and Pate were all blazed once and had the munchies and stopped at a liquor store in Corona, Ca and some mexican came in with a gun and robbed that shit. was gnar.


wow that sounds like a pretty insane situation you were in good to know that no one got hurt

I would of shat myself