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ok so i have a wedding to go to tomorrow so i wanted to wash my car and make it look good for tomorrow. so after scootin for a bit with cuba, i went to the local haffners car wash and pulled into it... not usually i go into the middle bay to wash it but the light was burnt out so i went to the left one...and im in there and cuba says "ahhh look they have badass new blue hoses" and im sayiin oooh ya they nmust of put em in cause of the winter comin so shit doesnt freeze. so i go make chenge and go to put money in the thing and i start it up and im goin to walk aroudn the car and wet it down and i move the hose and from on top of the thing a wrench comes fyling down and smashjes the top of my car. leaves a HUGE dent through the paint into the metal and bounces, hits again then falls to the ground.

i was so mad so i went to the cops and asked to fill out a report and showed them the wrench and seeing that haffners i closed, i will have to go back in the morning and beat some bitches upp .

so some fat fuckin loser fuckin repair man that replaced the hoses left his fucking wrench up on top of the arm and i got to pay the price :(

it sucks so bad. not to mention my car didnt even clean up good.


well i went to the manager and they were sayin not to worry about it and he pulled out his wallet filled with 100's and im like "noo, im gettin this done right" youll hear from me with an apprasial estimate gimme your card and he gave me it and i took the wrench out of his back pocket and said thank you byee now
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