Strongest Deck

Alright, I'm not new I just created a new account. I haven't been keeping up to date with scooter products lately and my deck is breaking. What is the strongest deck on the market right now? (I don't care about weight). The Deck Super Thread is so out of date its ridiculous.


Staff member
Depends lol. There's a lot of good shit on the market, reventons, flights, orions. its all preference now.


Steel Member
i think that madd gear nitros are the strongest but theres no way of finding out so its just opinions


Staff member
TSI one piece deck. comes in 19 and 20 inch long.
6 degrees concave
flex fender
the whole shebang

Hunter Treviranus

Silver Member
tsi flight= none broken
phoenix reventon=none broken
madd gear= some broken by r-willy/Tbone
district v2i= none have been broken that i know of
proto orion v2= idk if any v2 decks or headtube broke but i know a few v1 cracked
french id deck=a few have broken
blunt AOS v2=none have broken but just came out so no real review yet
they banana easily? ive heard of it happening.

only when they tested em, they fixed the problem.

and they aren't even close to a lucky technology wise, so much better and stronger.

but honestly, i'd go with an orion, or a tsi. both rider owned and both amazing.


Steel Member
If you have to ask which deck is the strongest, you probably don't need the absolute strongest deck. Almost any current aftermarket deck will be fine for you. Blunt, TSI, Phoenix, District, FrID, VertX, any of them would last you a long time. It's more a matter of finding a deck that you're going to enjoy riding.


Steel Member
If you have to ask which deck is the strongest, you probably don't need the absolute strongest deck. Almost any current aftermarket deck will be fine for you. Blunt, TSI, Phoenix, District, FrID, VertX, any of them would last you a long time. It's more a matter of finding a deck that you're going to enjoy riding.



Staff member
He's not a noob Dubya. I'd recommend the flight 19 81.5 headtube angle, or a flight freestyler if you can get one, good all around and concave and stuff.


Steel Member
He's not a noob Dubya. I'd recommend the flight 19 81.5 headtube angle, or a flight freestyler if you can get one, good all around and concave and stuff.

Were you being serious?
If this is the right Connor Love he is no noob, He's been in the sport for awhile