The terms "Fail, Epic, and Epic Fail" and telling everyone how you"jizzed and cummed"

don't. I see this.
Guy: "Hey, I really like my Lucky Deck"

Tsi Fan boy:"FAIL"
(Guy does a nice tailwhip down an 8 set)

Kid: "duDE ThaT waS EEEEPPPPIIIIICCCCCCC" Then goes on to say "epic epic epic epic epic epic epic" to everything.
dude: (makes a fair representable argument)

10 year old boy: "EPPICCC FAILLLLL"
kid: (sees nice scooter on the "YOUR SCOOTER THREAD") "Omg I just jizzed"
(sees a decent video) OMG I just cummed everywhere"
(sees a brand new part) "dude i just jizzed"
(and it goes on and on and on and on) no you didn't.
yes I'm ready for people to come in here and say "fuck you, let people talk how ever the fuck they want". Or "stop bitching" I'm not making anyone do anything, or making a fit. As a matter of fact, you didn't have to read any of this. I'd just like to say that these are 4 of the most annoying terms that I ever see. And the over use of these things or in the wrong areas make you look like a total idiot. Do people realize that? You say it a couple times, or say it when you should, ok. (though saying epic and jizzed almost always sounds stupid, but...). Otherwise it's just immature. Anyone else with me?

yeah and for those of you who come in here, making a joke saying "epic fail" I'd just like to say... "cute."


Bronze member

...yes I'm ready for people to come in here and say "fuck you, let people talk how ever the fuck they want". Or "stop bitching" I'm not making anyone do anything, or making a fit.

Epic fail post <--- didn't see that coming haa? :D

yeah and for those of you who come in here, making a joke saying "epic fail" I'd just like to say... "cute."

----- you did... :(

Nah kidding, it's been whored too much indeed, I would add the "where do sand brake" variations...gets annoying after some time indeed.


Steel Member
yess people can say w.e they want but you have a point . i'm with you on this . it is very annoying sometimes and when usedd in the wrong areas you look like a big douche .
haha yea I aint baggin on the word fail cos if its said at the right timing, it makes the whole thing hilarious haha but not over the web.
it does look gay tho when people put 'Omg I just jizzed' to scooters, fuck sake its a scooter shouldnt you be jizzing over something else at your age

Shaun Walton

Bronze member
Shit gets annoying. They throw those terms, "Fail, Epic, Epic Fail" around way to much. If used to an extent and used in the right sayings and all, it would be more suit. Along with the "FAIL" pictures that were whored. Like its just way to over used. People have the rights to say what they want, but please just use it when the time is needed, or say it in the right way and not look an idiot. And the "I just jizzed" thing too, like really? Its a damn scooter, or video. Go jizz over something else like should be..


Silver Member
You know what else really annoys me? Use of a word, "THE"
It's so overused, i think everyone should stop using it.


don't even start. Dont turn a legitimate mention in the discuss anything section in to a horrible thing. Go run along and and write every negative thought you've expressed in your diary. Joking or not.

I'm sorry, let me begin to care for a second.


Grant, i really like you hahaha.
All the things that bug me are in this thread. plus what you say always seems to match what i think ahaha
and to anyone saying "hop off his c0ck!?!!!?!?!!" i dont even know the kid, im just sayin.


Super Moderator
Staff member
This thread just makes me jizz and cum everywhere.
I wish it was a fail but its not!. its an epic fail.

