The Wolf of Wall Street

Frank T

Silver Member
Im going to see it tomorrow and am pretty excited. It has gotten really good reviews and whatnot
Who here has seen it and what did you think of it. Ill come back tomorrow with what i thought


ya boy boo radley
Staff member
I liked it both in terms of plot and how it managed to squeeze humorous elements into an otherwise "serious" movie

Also the theme to me seems to be that the only way to be successful in America is to steal/lie/swindle etc, but those actions eventually lead to the destruction of the success that came with them.
My mom walked out on it. But I can't necessarily trust her opinion lool

edit: she said it was just cash, titties, and blow

I wanted to go and kill some stockbrokers after it smh

as a trend, it's definitely true that people on top usually got there by selfishly fucking over a lot of people pretty hard. It's hard to get ahead in life if you're always being the nice guy...unfortunately
Yeah, my friend was telling me how quaalude use went through the roof after that movie (considering their usage was basically nonexistant) thanks to the deep web. Why the fuck would anyone want a synthetic barbituate, anyway...let alone any sort of barbituate? That's what benzos are for.
Figured I'd dub post and bump this thread. My mom just sucks and was obviously just offended at the content. It has a pretty compelling storyline and managed to keep me interested the whole time I was watching it. Unfortunately I only got to watch about 100 minutes of it because I had to be at work at 8 in the morning (my friend and girlfriend just happened to put it on when I showed up.)

But really though, at least those were all some really nice butt cheeks and titties. I've never seen so many beautiful buns all at once in a shot of anything.