those kinda days.


Steel Member
you know those really shittty days, like everyone is against you days? yeah they blow rightt. and then you get home and your like well at least i can ride to cheer me up, and then you cant land anything, then you go inside and your parents are bitching at you. and then your girl dumps you for your friend.

discuss your shitty dayss?


Silver Member
I hate it when I'm pissed and the fucking internet doesn't work. I feel like ringing up the company and ear blasting the shit out of their indian peoples.


Steel Member
Yeah that's gay.

Or those days when you feel like all you practice guitar and you're getting nowhere because you have to grasp the concept of playing outside of the common scalular approach but it's just so dang hard and vast and you have no idea where to begin?
Yeah those suck.


Steel Member
Those days where you're so bored that nothing can pull you out of the boring hole. You ride, play guitar, play video games, listen to music, watch tv, eat, talk to people and text, get on SR, nothing is fun at all. Those days suck.


Steel Member
I just liked hunched over and pretended my back hurt or I picked at scabs on my shins.

Edit: or I got Carmen to jack me off.