(TUT)how to make barends(TUT)


Heres how to make barends really cheaply:
You will need your bars with grips removed
2X3/4 Nuts
2Xmushroom headed bolts to match


Step one:
Get your bars and knock one of the nuts into the end of your bars(mine didnt fit perfectly so we had to turn them down slightley on a lathe becuase my bars are made out of thick aluminium,Once one is flush do the other one

Should look something like this:


Step two:
Drill a hole in the end of your grips slightly smaller than the diameter of the bolt

Step three:
Install your grips by spraying some hairspray on the inside of your grip and sliding them on and waiting to dry

Step four:
Install the bolt through the hole you drilled in your grips,Tighten them up and go ride!

When the barends are too worn down remove the bolt and screw another one in!

You could also use a starnut instead of a nut.




Silver Member
Nice tutorial. I think the other way of making them would be easier, but yours look clean. Nice job


I got myself banned.
i did this with my bike after a while they got reallyyyyyyy haggard and sharp. one time i fell doing a 180 on some dirt bank because some rock slipped from under me and i fell on the bar end chest first and it ripped open my chest and broke one of my ribs. plastic <3

looks good though, but why would you need to drill a hole in your grips?


@ Antony
So the bolt can go through the grips into the nut inside the bar,I bought a whole bag of bolts so when they get damaged ill just put new ones on
@Matr which other method?


there not stock bars,the t bar and stem is stock but the crossbar in the picture was made by me from a tube of alumium


Staff member
a lot of bars are bigger in diameter so you'd need to find a bigger allen head bolt but it's a good idea imo. but i hate metal bar ends lol. too sharp


ye,i made some for my friend,i froze the nut with freeze spray so it got slightly smaller then inserted it and heated it up and its now wedged in theere


It did i turned it on a lathe till it was 0.07 bigger than the bar then used the industrial spray and it detracted and went in with little resistance


Staff member
hahaha. went in with little resistance.

Regardless, i like the tutorial. I might actually try this.