Waking up


Steel Member
So this is how my monday went.

I have finals this week, and of course I blew everything off til Sunday. My Geology final was a take-home test, and I was up til like 3 doing it. Then I remembered that my Algebra final was at 8 am (I haven't woken up at 6 for over a year, my classes usually start at 10:10) so I stayed up all night (monster and a redbull energy shot helped) so I wouldn't miss it. Got ready, left at 7:30 so I wouldn't be late, then when I got to my car, I opened up the door and the fucking door panel fell halfway off and the rubber weather stripping at the bottom of the door was hanging off. Got that, bitched and moaned about it for 10 minutes trying to put it back together before I finally said fuck it and ripped the whole thing off and threw it in the back seat. Realized that I forgot my calculator, went back in to get it, then finally left for school. Got there late, looked EVERYWHERE for my final (two different buildings on campus that I thought it could have been in). Still couldn't find it (by this point I was about a half hour late) and finally asked a lady at the front desk. She tells me my final isn't til Wednesday. FFFFFFFFFFFFF


Bronze member
Im waking up at 05.00 the next 4 weeks to take my bus at 06.00 to my flight mechanic practice at Arlanda airport which 80 km away from me.

It's early but hey I love everything aviation related so it's all good in the end and hopefully something I want to work with the rest of my life:)

Derek Seay

I wake up at 6, lay in bed til 6:30, dad yells at me get up,scramble to get dressed (i have to match every day),find my phone,ipod,and wallet. wet my hair, grab a pop tart for breakfast. And run to the bus stop.


ya boy boo radley
Staff member
Go to bed at ten. Because I'm a baller. Wake up at six. Because I'm a boss. Shower, have breakfast, brush and floss teeth, go to school.


Bronze member
I'm wondering, considering that you're in the same time zone as I am, WHY THE HELL YOU'RE AT SCHOOL BEFORE SEVEN

I get to school at 6:59 everyday because i live in the middle of fuckville and school starts an hour later.. so i sit in the old gym, with noah risser who comes 20 minutes later then the other bros. It sucks.

Also I wake up with a cold shower and a cube.


Staff member
i wake up at like 530, do my homework, then its about 7, go back to bed for like 20 minutes, take a shower, burn some herbs, then its 8, then i sleep til like 820 then go to school that starts at 830, cause i live like a minute away from school


Steel Member
wake up, pry my eyes open, turn off my alarm, peepee, shower sit on my computer in a towel, get dressed, leave for school. no breakfast