Wednesday night at Reed

haha speaking of ghetto parks some black kid got mugged for his pants by some 30 yr old cholo dude and he called his older brother apparently hes from the bloods and like 20 min later 20 black dudes show up to the skatepark and beat the shit out of the cholo and like 8 other cholos
pretty crazy i was there for the whole thing
and the kid got his pants back


hahaha omg

k 1. back off, Charles own Miranda, trust me, he's bled on her before

2. Derek ate SO much crap haha I was dying

3. I miss you all so much :(

Josh Young

Super Moderator
Staff member
pretty good man, all them kids jumpin the sets were scarin the shit out of me like like just hauled ass and rode off it. hahahha soooo nuts. that chick seems soooo cool though


Super Geek
Staff member
Dude, get Derek to wear a helmet.
He almost hit his head on that dubwhip transfer.
Good vid.

Big L

Steel Member
being shot is seriously over rated, here they cant afford guns its all about mugging with a sock filled with pennies